Food, fun, and "friendly" advice!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I Miss my Mom Potato Soup

Ok, I acutally called in sick to work today.  It's the 2nd time I've missed work due to being sick in 3 years!! Seriously.  So by about 4 pm I had eaten not one thing and really wanted some potato soup, cause that's what my Mama always made me when I didn't feel good.  So, I made my version of her soup!  I kept it down, so that's a good sign, right?  Here is how I made it..

5 small russet potatoes, peeled, washed and cubed
1 1/2 cups milk
2 Tbls butter
2 Tbls chopped green onion (optional)
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup instant mashed potatoes (to thicken a little)
salt and pepper to tast

Place cubed potatoes in 2 qt pan and enough water to cover potatoes.  Boil potatoes until tender.  Add remaining ingredients and simmer on low for 20 minutes to incorporate the flavors.  I smush some of the potatoes for increased thicknes if I don't have instant potatoes on hand.  Pour in bowl and enjoy!! Sometimes I add a little shredded cheese and bacon, but usually I just crumble up saltine crackers and add to my soup!  Always makes me feel better! 

It's never as good as my Mom's though!!

1 comment:

  1. Your mommy loves you! And your great blog!
